16 Mar 2010

Pentagon Targets WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks better hurry up and move to the Icelandic truth zone. It looks like the Pentagon is gunning for them.

“Wikileaks.org, a publicly accessible Internet Web site, represents a potential force protection, counterintelligence, operational security (OPSEC), and information security (INFOSEC) threat to the US Army,” a secret report authored wikileaksby the Army Counterintelligence Center and leaked by the notorious truth-seeking website explains.

The leakage of sensitive and classified DoD information also calls attention to the insider threat, when a person or persons motivated by a particular cause or issue wittingly provides information to domestic or foreign personnel or organizations to be published by the news media or on the Internet. Such information could be of value to foreign intelligence and security services (FISS), foreign military forces, foreign insurgents, and foreign terrorist groups for collecting information or for planning attacks against US force, both within the United States and abroad.

Or it could be of use to Americans interested in what their government and military are covertly doing (and often illegally) in their names.

Kurt Nimmo on Infowars.com - WikiLeaks