21 Mar 2008

The Population Bomb

In 1968, Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich wrote a well publicized book entitled The Population Bomb. Ehrlich predicted widespread famine and disaster unless population growth was reduced to zero in America and throughout the world by compulsory methods if necessary.
Ehrlich is a Professor of Biology at Stanford University specializing in population biology. He has written many books and scientific papers related to overpopulation and has been well rewarded for his efforts in both the academic and environmental spheres.

The first article examines Paul Ehrlich's ideas regarding the need to reduce the American population including the use of sterilants in the water and food supply with an antidote carefully rationed by the government. The next article in this series examines Ehrlich's desires for the rest of the planet, especially the third world. It also looks at the issue of "optimum" world population size and who should get to decide what that optimum level will be. The third part in this series discusses the need for altering religion, sex education and the role of women in society. Part four examines in some detail the different organizations, foundations and individuals involved in population control. Finally, I compare the arguments for "population explosion" with that of "global warming" by directly comparing The Population Bomb (1968) to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (2006).

Read the full story here: "The Population Bomb Part 1: How to Control the AMERICAN Population" by Paul Ehrlich

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