29 Dec 2007

Lakota Freedom Delegation

"We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have suffered from cultural and physical genocide in the colonial apartheid system we have been forced to live under." 

During the week of December 17-19, 2007, the Lakota Freedom Delegation traveled to Washington DC and withdrew from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law.

Lakota Freedom Delegation

Lakota Withdrawal Letter, December 17, 2007 (pdf)

Download the complete Declaration of Continuing Independence (pdf).

More about the Lakota people on Wikipedia and also remember the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890) and on the very good site  Manataka American Indian Council "The Legacy of Wounded Knee" lots of information about the 1973 siege with a very good presentation (click here to watch)