17 Oct 2006

Trials Of Henry Kissinger

The past and some of the major crimes of this famous international criminal are revealed in this documentary.

Link to Trials Of Henry Kissinger - Google Video


According to Bob Woodward’s newest book “State Of Denial” Henry Kissinger has been advising President Bush and Vice President Cheney about Iraq, telling them that "victory is the only meaningful exit strategy"

Of course it is underplayed, and even spun to show how inept the Cheney / Bush Admin are running the War in Iraq. Oh but it says so much more to those of us who have been investigating Kissinger for many, many years now. In fact it leads to 911, and other high crimes and higher crimes by the controlling elite global mafia.

It is just incredible how the Lame stream media plays us for suckers who cant remember what happened last week, let alone in the last few decades.

Kissinger, who was nearly the head of the CFR Whitewash 911 commission before Zelikow was installed to guard the evidence, and protect the guilty (An embarrassing moment for Heinz came when the 911 “Jersey Girls” questioning the would be Commission head, asked to see his “client List” the implication being that Kissinger was representing the Saudis who indirectly were implicated in the 911 attacks. Heinz was withdrawn quickly thereafter!) … Kissinger has been a Rockefeller attaché for 40 yrs. He has since formed his own “consulting group” called Kissinger Associates with one Brent Scowcroft (Poppy Bush’s bestest pal – and major league “critic” of Iraq and Jr)  More at Black Listed News